UN-[TITLED] project compositions

Poetic Sounds of Memory

Music by Benjamin Hunter

Poetry by Kamari Bright


“I am that which cannot be burned,
I have stacked all my lessons learned, fault lines cracked now the table’s turned,
I am that which cannot be burned”

Excerpt from Hye Won Hye, an originally composed song by Benjamin Hunter

All music for UN-[TITLED] performances and soundtrack recordings was originally composed, performed, and recorded by Benjamin Hunter. A total of seven (7) inspired songs that centered and held all narrative and visceral offerings of the project together.

Hye Won Hye, the Adinkra symbol of toughness, imperishability, and endurance, is one of many symbols designed by the Akan peoples of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa.

Historically these symbols were ceremonially utilized by Asante Kings, and now, they appear in multiple expressions of Afrocultural design and interpretation around the world. They each hold symbolic meaning and value relating to cycles of life and death, mysticism, community values, and guiding wisdoms for living.

Adinkra designs are symmetrically mirrored or radial, and are often seen in architecture, wooden carvings, mason sculptures, and furnishings. Most commonly they appear in ornamental adornments such as jewelry, headdresses, and clothing made from wax or batik dyed fabrics.

Hye Won Hye holds particular symbolic resonance here, bearing witness to communities most affected by economic and housing displacement — who continue to reach towards each other, resisting the forces that threaten to pull them apart. In these relational ways of collective memory-keeping, community legacies can endure.

the UN-[TITLED] poem

Composed and read by Kamari Bright to honor the peoples, places, and cultural meaning of the sites and memories - and the lands upon which they exist.

I hereby declare, on oath, that I renounce all allegiance to

any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty,

When you arrive, hands stretched toward something to hold to

these lands will ask a fare of admission

of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject;

Offer up the leylines of your palms to the

roads of mycellia — they will not need your maps

I declare I will support and defend the Land —

the Body cradling us in the Black of the Universe;

Tally the beads of sweat from all your distractions & doing,

that water was never yours to keep

that I will bear true faith to the same; unearthing, bearing,

extending arms,

wrapping as I too have been wrapped

Traverse the sanguine pull through arterial veins searching,

a cost you will pay many times over

as is law. As above, so below. As within,

so without — as I receive, so I give;

Crystal the sweet memory of before, harvested —

still warm — from the gates of your ribs

I declare to perform noncombatant service of open arms,

tilling in reverence;

None of these will grant you passage. Eat, beloved,

of this land regrow yourself with these molecules

that I will perform work of importance under cosmic direction;

and I take this charge, this remembering, this knowing freely,

Branch down through schematics of histories, connect

eyes firmly closed and trust

With no reservation or evasion;

so help me.

LISTEN in full to Sounds of Memory - a collection of music and poetry composed and recorded by Benjamin Hunter and Kamari Bright

Audio recordings and editing support provided by Jack Straw Cultural Center Studios, with the engineering assistance of Daniel Guenther, Tom Stiles, and Ayesha Ubayatilaka.  

Audio Playlist for the UN-[TITLED] project - featuring original music compositions and performance by Benjamin Hunter, and poetry reading by Kamari Bright

UN-[TITLED] is a project of i.ma.gine | e.volve®




Story-keeping - UN-[TITLED] Oral Histories